Tuesday, November 26, 2019
20 Financial Accounting Topics for Research Proposal
20 Financial Accounting Topics for Research Proposal Our previous guide emphasized on facts based on Financial Accounting to help you carry out a research in the light of the facts we provided. Our second guide focuses on different topics related to financial accounting to help you pick the best topics for research. Besides having 20 research topics for your proposal, this guide also contains an essay based on one of them. In addition to this, we have also mentioned a few references at the bottom of this guide as well as the previous one to help you search relevant information regarding the topic you choose. Do not forget to go through our last guide, which contains tips on how to write a research proposal. It includes the patterns and structures on which a research proposal should be written. It is a must read for students preparing a research proposal for the very first time. So, here are our 20 topics to help you make up your mind to come up with a topic for accounting topics for research of your own or selecting one from the list: Can Accounting Software Help Reduce Cost? How Accounting Software Improve Productivity Can Financial Accounting Reduce Risk Management? A Research on How Financial Accounting is Transforming The Impact of Auditing on the Financial Position of a Business What is Causing Financial Instability among Giant Businesses? The Impact of Increasing Number of Accounting Graduates in the World A Study on How Long Term Debts Affect an Organisation Can a Balance Sheet Give a Company’s Financial Standing?  Is Computerized Accounting Better Than Manual Accounting?  Why Should an Organization Have a Separate Finance Department?  How Would Financial Statements Look Like Without Accounting Standards?  How are Accountants Creating Their Names in the Accounting firm  Is Financial Reporting Critical to Ensure Customer’s Confidence?  Is there a Need to Change Accounting Standards With Evolving Technology?  Why Companies Lie in Accounting Books  Are Current Accounting Standards the Ideal Standards?  Why is There a Need For Regulation in Financial Reporting?  Should Companies Keep Their Financial Instruments Safe?  Is Accounting Only For Big Businesses? To help you even further, we have selected one of the topics above and written a proposal and essay for you to understand how it should be done. Here is a sample essay with a proposal. Sample Essay: Can Accounting Software Help Reduce Cost? The proposal will discuss why you chose this topic and what you wish to find out. Proposal: The use of computer software in accounting is on a constant rise. Computers seem to have replaced human accountants in different industries. Many experts believe it is due to cost difference, but is there more to this issue? This research paper will discuss the impact of computer accounting software, and answer if it really helps reduce cost. Essay: The most difficult and frustrating part about running a business is managing its costs. A successful business requires well maintained a monitoring and management system. A good managing and monitoring accounting software will help you reduce cost, as per most experts. An accounting software helps you automate daily routine procedures and save you a lot of precious time and cost. Accounting software has helped small businesses in gaining an upper edge when it comes to saving cost. For instance, Payroll managing software helps in computerizing data and increasing the pace of the operations. Besides speeding up the process, it also keeps a business safe from making blunders which can turn out to be disastrous in the future or cost the business a hefty loss. The concept of recording operations and inventory of business over accounting programs wasn’t much talk among the successful businesses when manual bookkeeping was at a rise. However, within a very short span of time, accounting software took the industry by storm. The business owners were more than happy to have their data automated and operated with such ease and helped them reduce cost in many ways. According to reports, 50% of all businesses are using software to do full or at least partial accounting. It automates the system which helps in reducing the cost. This move has made manual bookkeeping vanish into thin air. Both large and small business owners are turning over towards using an accounting software for their businesses. If we have a look at supermarts, they are running on accounting software which helps them have smooth financial operations. It reduces time and cost! An accounting software helps you maintain the inventory at an accurate state, it keeps on reminding you if your stock is running out and also makes most documents on its own, with just one click. Since computers are doing most of the maths, you do not run the risk of mistakes either. So, where do you save costs? You save it by reducing your financial department. You do not need to hire accountants as all you need is one person to handle the software and feed the required information into the system. The person will also have more time in hand to devote to other tasks that they would otherwise waste in doing calculations. Accounting software reduces cash flow problems. Tracking the sales detail of a particular product or service lets you know which of your items are more demanded. Thus, it gives you the idea of how to manage your stock. Practicing this technique lets you promote a nice running cash flow. A lack of mistakes also saves you penalties and other such problems, resulting in financial benefits. Exactly how much you can save by turning towards an accounting tool is subjective and depends on the size and nature of your business. But, looking at stats, it says that the savings will be good enough to make the jump. The only trouble is training and getting used to a new system, but considering benefits, it is all worth it. There you have it, a precise, informative essay. Let us now move on to our third and final guide which will help you understand the structure of writing a research proposal. But before that, let’s have a look at references mentioned below. References: Elikai, D. Inancevich, and S. Ivancevich, ‘‘Accounting Software Selection and User Satisfaction,’’ The CPA Journal (May 2007), p. 26. Net Suite (2008) The Benefits of Integrated Business Management Software for Wholesale Distributors: Overcoming the Barriers of Stand-alone Business Applications netsuite.com/portal/pdf/integrated-software-for-wd.pdf Top 10 Accounting/Financial Management Software for Mid-sized Businesses, (2009), otaccounting.com/top_10_accounting.pdf Walker Wayland, (2010), Benefits of a computerised accounting system. wwauckland.co.nz/files/docs/benefits%20of%20a%20computerised%20accounting%20system.pdf
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How Veal Crates Are Used in Factory Farms
How Veal Crates Are Used in Factory Farms One of the biggest arguments made by non-vegetarians is that dairy is not harmful to the animals since the animal does not need to be killed for dairy products. But to animal-rights activists, stealing milk right from the mothers breasts from a baby anything is despicable. Should we deny a baby the nutrition he needs to grow just so humans can drink it and get fat and laden with cholesterol? Veal in the Dairy Industry Thats not the worst of it. Veal is a by-product of the dairy industry. Like all mammals, female cows must be kept constantly pregnant in order to lactate. In a process called freshening, female cows, called wet cows after giving birth, are kept unnaturally lactating to maximize their milk production. Male calves are taken from their mothers at birth because they are not useful for milk production. These calves are turned into veal. Some female calves are also turned into veal because they are not needed for dairy production. The excess dairy calves are the wrong breed to be useful for beef production, so they are usually slaughtered for veal when they are between 8 and 16 weeks old. Why Veal Production and Crates Are Controversial Veal crates are used in factory farming to confine dairy calves. The calves are chained and do not have enough room to move or turn around in a crate that measures 22 by 54 inches. Veal production is controversial because many people regard the extreme confinement as excessively cruel. The crates are so small, the animals cannot turn around. This keeps their muscles soft and unused which produces the pale, anemic meat consumers demand. Also, the calves are fed a synthetic formula instead of their mothers’ milk, this formula lacks iron, and causes a variety of health problems. Water is withheld so the calves will crave the formula. The formula has a laxative effect, so the calves are plagued with diarrhea which not only causes painful cramping, but also serious rashes down their legs where the fecal matter, which contains stomach acid in it, burns their skin. Their rectums are also painful, burning and swollen. The method whereby veal is created is so cruel, that many enlightened non-vegetarians have sworn off veal completely because they know they could never enjoy a meal when the animal on their plates suffered intensely. To add insult to injury, cows are associated with motherhood because they are more doting on their babies than a Jewish mom with her son. Cows have been spotted with tears running down their faces when they hear their calves crying for their mothers. While some animal advocates work to ban the use of veal crates, the slaughter of any animal for food is antithetical to animal rights, regardless of how much room the animals have when they are alive. Examples of Anti-Veal Crate Initiatives Californias Prop 2, a ballot initiative that was approved by California voters in 2008, banned the use of veal crates and took effect in 2015. The Animal Law Resource Center proposed a model bill and presents a history of legislation addressing veal crates. Edited by Michelle A. Rivera, Animal Expert
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hypercapitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hypercapitalism - Essay Example Moreover, the total production is normally given guidance and the interests distributed through market operation. It dominated the western world after mercantilism was called to a stop. In addition to that, this system enlarges production capacity by putting in use the excess production over consumption (Colker 111). The initial goals were to allow private ownership of property, provision of capital to the firms, freedom of competition for economic gain and profit motive. Hypercapitalism is a society in which the values of capitalism are given more consideration than the other existing values (Maaasik & Solomon 522).The given essay by pulling information from various reliable resources is going to dwell mostly on hypercapitalism. In the contemporary society, market forces have penetrated almost all aspects of life (Graham 58). Not forgetting, all the companies have emerged into one. We are forced to pay for most intangible things (Perelman 87). This issue drives me to another thing a ltogether; the elements of hypercapitalism. Basically, we have gotten two. That is, excess capitalism and payments of unreal things (Perelman 50). They say that the only way to make your dream come true is by waking up. I totally agree with that. It is high time we all come to our senses and deal with the emerging issue. We should be like the cactus as opposed to the ostriches. Why do I say so? It is only the cactus that raises its head in the desert. With the ostrich, it tries to hide the head in the ground and imagine that the danger is gone. Hypercapitalism is taking stand. This is why we even find companies e.g. the Diesel advising its audience consisting of children that the best way to show their creativity is by having sex (Maasik & Solomon 522). In the recent future, most firms are bigger than what they initially used to be. Also, they are found in many countries at once. They only major on advancing their profit. Barbie’s breast for instance, is out of proportion tha t if she were to be a human woman, she would probably fall on her face (Maasik & Solomon 375). They have indeed prioritized on that rather than anything else. Single world currency has become a cliche to most of them. Moreover, money is considered to be what matters most (Maasik & Solomon 522). Formerly, in the classical duration of the political economy, production of commodities majorly depended on labor (Graham 90). In that case, the level of unemployment was quite low as compared to today. Most firms lay emphasis on the commodities which have been turned into ‘exchange values’. They are then transformed into money and try their level best to ensure that they have maximized on the profit without having a look at the quality of their products (Perelman 69). Taking for instance, United States, the issue of poor parental care is normally attributed to the negative effects of capitalism. It has also made no steps to improve or to help parents to provide parental care. Ho w is this possible? The free market together with the self-government principles that gyrate around Americans capitalism does not allow us to have consideration for social problems. In most cases, the society tries offering assistance by paying leave, insurance and maybe by offering accommodation away from the workplace. All these do not help in that they only take care of the parents and not the infants. The role of capitalism is founded on the basis that goods are meant to be exchanged in the markets. With time, the role of property is changing gradually. When a child is growing up for instance, he or she believes that the status quo of an individual is determined by what they own. We tend to be bound up that the only way human affairs are structured is through selling and buying.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International labor standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International labor standards - Essay Example The ILO is perhaps the only institution of its kind in the world which has the capability and credibility to ensure that international labor standards are implemented and this has lent credence to its continued existence. This agency’s recommendations tend to mainly provide guidance to its 183 member states but while this may be the case, its various conventions tend to be given the status of treaties, which are often binding on its members. Despite this being the case, it is a fact that these conventions do not go into force in the ILO member countries until such a time as they are ratified by individual governments. It is through the establishment of labor standards among ILO member states that it is possible to promulgate and enforce those national laws that are in line with its conventions (Warnecke & De Ruyter, 2010). Thus, it is through these means that the ILO work towards ensuring that international labor standard are enforced in order to protect the labor resources of the world from abuse. The ILO was established in 1919 during the Paris Peace Conference, the aim of the latter being an attempt to ensure that there was a lessening of public support for communist ideals. It is because of this that the allies chose to insert clauses into the peace treaty which would ensure that there would be the protection of labor unions as well as the rights of workers in the diverse industries of the world at the time. It was agreed that an international body, whose main purpose was to help in the guidance of international labor relations, would be established in the future. The first annual conference of the newly created organization was took place on October 1919 i Washington D.C. and it is during this conference that there was the adoption of the first six international labor conventions. These conventions dealt with the working hours in industry, how to define and handle unemployment, maternity protection, the minimum age to work,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hw assignment revised Essay Example for Free
Hw assignment revised Essay Culture includes everything about a particular groups way of life; from high art to the most ordinary behavior (what we eat for breakfast, for example). It is defined as the manner of life for a whole society and the sum of socially transmitted behavioral patterns and can be classified into values, norms, institutions and artifacts. The set of distinctive features of a society or a social group, which includes emotional, spiritual and intellectual, can be called as culture. It encompasses the community’s ways of existing together, its value systems, customs and ideals. Everything we do, from our food to our behavior can be considered as culture. From the essay, â€Å"From Culture to Hegemony, culture is defined as the norm of life. Barthes who used the model of linguist de Saussure, sought to uncover the latent meanings of the norms. He tried it from boxing to little things. Transmission of culture is done through language, material objects, customs, institutions, and art, passed from one generation to another generation. Usually, this transmission remains intact and â€Å"pure†; however, when foreign influences set in either through cultural diffusion and/or assimilation, naturally, the native culture will have become irreparably modified. In â€Å"From a Native Daughter†, Haunaini-Kay Trask, bemoans the rape of her native lands culture. How the haole invaded their land and proceeded to change their history. For her historians like the missionaries from whom she had her education, were a part of then colonizing horde, one part colonized the spirit and the other the mind. She believed that any outsider were to understand them, one should first know their language, their songs, their chants, their customs, and their bond with the aina (the land). She said, â€Å"This bond is cultural, it can only be understood culturally†¦Ã¢â‚¬ IDEOLOGY: Ideology includes the underlying ideas that shape culture. These ideas are often what we take for granted, i. e. they are unconscious. For example, the idea that success is gained through going to college and getting a high paying job seems so obvious as to be truth. However, it is part of an ideology. A trick in identifying ideologies is to look for undefined terms in a statement. What does success mean and where did that meaning come from? Ideology is the organized collection of underlying ideas that shape the culture. Being unconscious, they are often taken for granted. They are abstract thoughts applied to reality and every society has an ideology on which they base their actions on. From Marx’s Ideology as quoted in Subculture: the meaning of Style by Dick Hebdidge, ideology is defined as a set of common beliefs that lie beneath the awareness commonly known as â€Å"common sense†. This common sense, although transparently, validates ideas. These taken for granted phenomena can function as signs, which in turn, will reflect the reality of the culture and can be analyzed through mapping them on a range of potential meanings. Power and class are parameters which extends and vary ideology thus making it achievable to have different levels of divided labor. Our education system is the one who is responsible in instilling the ideology into the individuals of the society. In other words, the ideologies are maps of probable meanings which serve to have persons think their way into positions of power or subordination. HEGEMONY: A form of power usually built on ideologies. Instead of bullying (i. e. using coercion) to get your way, its easier and more sustainable to make your victim believe that your way is the right way. For example, car makers dont have to force us to buy new cars at gunpoint; its easier to make us think that getting a new car every couple of years is simply what one does. The underlying ideology might be that newness equals human progress. Hegemony is the subtle almost undetected authority of one individual over another and/or one group of people over another group. This dominance however doesn’t use threats or force. Naturally, the dominant party in our society has their advantages. For example, a dominant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage. Moreover, our cultural perspectives became in favor of the dominant group. It controls the way ideas are discarded or neutralized. It happens in a process where hegemony alters our notions of common sense of a given society. According to the Gramsci, hegemony is the association of social groups exerting total social authority through coercion, imposition of thought or shaping consent. Familiar examples of this include the selling of cars where you coerce your buyers to buy because it is only right that you get yourself a car and thinking that it is simply what one does after a few years of using an old car. It may also because of the ideology that’s behind it is that a new car means an improvement in your lifestyle. Hall is also quoted in Subculture: the meaning of style, in the chapter, From Culture to Hegemony, Hall (1977) was cited saying, â€Å"hegemony refers to the situation in which a provisional alliance of a certain social group exerts total social authority over other subordinate groups not only through coercion or by the direct imposition of ruling ideas but by winning and shaping consent so that the power of the dominating class appears to be legitimate and natural†¦ â€Å" DEFAMILIARIZATION: Lastly, defamiliarization, also called â€Å"ostanenie†is a method of forcing the audience to see common things in an unfamiliar way. It is done in order to improve the insight of the familiar. Religion is a tried and tested way of bringing order to a world of chaotic events. In the article, World View and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols, from the Antioch Review by Clifford Geertz wherein he describes how religion is composed of sets of symbols that are in turn composed of meanings that can only be stored in the symbols. He says that a people’s ethos is the way they dress or their movements and the way they talk. In general it is the quality of their lives while the world view is the cognitive aspect reflects how the people view the natural order of things as they are found in their world. All of these things are in some way or another affected by the religion of the people. Geertz considers the wajang as the clearest illustration of the relationship between the metaphysical (i. e. religion, belief etc†¦) and the people of Java’s actual values. The wajang is the ritual shadow play using puppets that usually lasts all night and well into the early morning. The gamelan is the director musician and storyteller all in one. The most famous characters in the wajang are the Pendawas and the Korawas, and their endless wars. The Pendawas represent the five senses that must always work together to come up with just and good decisions. They represent calm detachment from the everyday events of life which is the way these myths are interpreted and translated into the actual culture that is in the peoples of Java. The Korawas on the other hand represent passion and indiscretion. They are the representative icons that depict the capacity of religion not only to set the standards of ideal living but also delineate the workings of evil and destruction. Just like the Navajo looks at everything that is good and productive as in the form of a circle and thus evokes the circle in everything they do, so does the Javanese in their quest to detach themselves from the passions of everyday life to transcend into inner serenity and peace. Their world views affect their ethos and in turn dictate how they view their reality and consequently how they react to it. The concept of defamiliarization as defined above is also effectively illustrated in the article by George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. In this article he tells the readers how he had to kill the elephant not because he had to do it to save the people, or because it is truly a danger, in spite of it having killed a â€Å"coolie†, he says that he killed the animal to save himself from looking like a fool it is expected of him to not be afraid, to be consistent (and thus consistent in his initial impulse to kill the elephant). His nationality and the empire he represents have created such a concept that as a member of the empire he is expected to conform to. Thus his actions no matter how mundane and ordinary they are will not have correspondingly simple interpretations at least as far as the natives are concerned.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
romanticism in song lyrics :: essays research papers
     As a boy lays in a field of grass, near a stream, beneath the sun, he sings to the daisies. He is Mother Nature’s son. There is a childish peacefulness throughout the song. It is spiritual because Mother Nature is the stream and the wind and the field of grass. There is an almost surreal and dreamlike atmosphere and a certain sweetness in tone.      The word choice and diction throughout â€Å"Mother Nature’s son†are directly related to the tone of the song. Words such as young, singing, all day long, boy, and son contribute to the youthfulness of the poem. Beside a mountain stream, pretty sound of music, and swaying daisies sing a lazy song are peaceful diction. Poetic devices such as assonance, â€Å"young country†, and alliteration,†sitting singing songs†, are euphonic, offering pleasant soft sounds. Inversion is used for emphasis â€Å"all day long, I’m sitting singing songs for everyone.†Nature is personified as a motherly being and human attributes are given to the daisies.      The song presents to the listener a new ear to listen from. This ear is intuitive and can hear the sounds of nature.      In the song â€Å"Mother Nature’s son†, there is a deep appreciation of the beauties of nature which is a highly stressed Romantic quality. Rationalism and physical materialism are condemned throughout the piece. It is easy to imagine a poor boy who has no cares besides his individual and his connection to nature. He seems so connected that he becomes the son of Mother Nature herself. There is freedom from idealization and rationality as the boy sings along with the sounds of the universe. Emotion is held above reason and the senses over intellect. â€Å"Listen to the pretty sounds of music... beneath the sun.†The boy hears the noises of the earth and feels the warmth of the sun and isn’t concerned with much more than the peace he has found.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Renaissance
â€Å"The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century' (Renaissance History, 2008). It is a French word for rebirth. It also a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome. The art in the Renaissance time was more life-like and contained perspective. (Interactive Schooling, 2013). It was perceived as a â€Å"rebirth†of ancient traditions, and later on it was a tradition. Some famous artists from the Renaissance were Leonardo Ad Vinci, Tinderbox, Ghetto, Raphael, etc. Now their painting are something really valuable and significant.The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439 he changed the lives of people in Europe and, eventually, all over the world. A printing press is a device that uses pressure to transfer an image from some sort of prepared, inked surface to a receiving surface, like paper or cloth. (Weeklies, 2007). It was one of the great inventions of the modern age. D uring the renaissance in geography, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, manufacturing, and engineering occurred some great advances, science in those times was something that not everybody could know like now. Renaissance science spawned the Scientific Revolution; science and technology began a cycle of mutual advancement†. (Winnie Whish, 2008). Some important Renaissance technologies were; mining and metallurgy, blast furnace enabled iron to be produced in significant quantities, finery forge enabled pig iron into bar iron, slitting mill chained the production of iron rods for nail making, smelt mill increased the output of lead over previous methods.Renaissance artists and architects, produced some of the finest works that we know now. â€Å"The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe ushered in a new artistic tradition that embraced the Protestant agenda and diverged drastically from the southern European tradition and the humanist art produced dur ing the high Renaissance†. (Art History, 2012) The Renaissance Was the rival of classical learning produced by Charlemagne in the 9th century and later used more in 12th century. Cites started growing, Intellectuals, artist and universities after the 1200. This time was called the Renaissance, which was in Italy and later spread through Europe. New and Old text consisting of vernacular writers was used in the renaissance using the printing press. The use of Humanism using scholasticism. Humanism was a new way of thinking and seeing the world.It was called the earliest expression of the Renaissance, and was apart of the movement and cause. The people who practiced this were called Humanist. They challenged ideas of the Scholasticism, which is the daring the efforts to synthesize reason and faith. Students in the new universities, which revolutionized in the renaissance, practiced Scholasticism. Education and the spread of knowledge and specialization was the basis of the Renaissance and brought new things to Italy.Humanist also Halloween the chur ch allowing new mindsets, which underpinned the renaissance to develop. New a wanting for discovering text developed new printing methods, which was one of the main reason there was a renaissance. Classical works in the renaissance manly came for Europe and Christian and Muslim states. Secular readers read old test and classical writing and new libraries emerged. The printing advancement by Johann Gutenberg allowed for more copies of the text to be available.He incorporated movable pieces of type consisting of individual letters, new ink suitable for printing on paper, and a mechanical device that pressed inked type onto sheets of paper called the printing press. Both of these things spread ideas and created or were created by different ways of thinking of the world. The spread of art and knowledge later spread to Europe during the hundred years, which was the conflict of power between French monarchy and his vassals. The Renaissance By huddled By Sierra Peel 5th period The Renaissance From the fall of the Holy Roman Empire to there was a dark age in Europe where all technology and thinking stopped. Europe was a battleground for feudal lords and their knights trying to control the surrounding territories. The dark ages started to end when Pope Urban the 2nd called for the crusades of the holy lands and the city of Jerusalem. The renaissance began in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, and religion.The renaissance was a time of the great scientist and artist Leonardo ad Vinci. The word renaissance translates from French to English into â€Å"rebirth†, that is Just what Europe did at this time they went from being ignorant and dimwitted to inventing some of the world's greatest inventions. Examples of these great inventions were the Ornerier flying machine, the armored car, the giant crossbow and the 8 barreled machine gun and these were Just from Leona rdo ad Vinci, unfortunately these were Just prototypes and were never mass produced.The renaissance began in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, and elision. The renaissance was a time of the great scientist and artist Leonardo ad Vinci. Personally I think the greatest feat of this time was the printing press created my Johannes Gutenberg. Before the invention of the printing press to make a book it required having to hand write the words for hours.When this was going on reading was more for the higher class but with the printing press books could be mass produced and this caused that more people learned to read and knowledge spread like wild fire, it also spread Christianity because now there would be more copies of The Holy Bible. The Renaissance marks the period of European history at the close of the middle ages and the rise of the Modern world. It was a time where art wa s flourishing.It seemed like everyone was an artist and architecture, Fillips Brucellosis was foremost in studying the remains of ancient classical buildings, and with rediscovered knowledge from the 1st-century writer Vitreous and the flourishing discipline of mathematics, formulated the Renaissance style which emulated and improved on classical forms. Brutishness's major feat of engineering was the building of the dome of Florence Cathedral. [52] The first building to monastery this is claimed to be the church of SST. Andrew built by Alberta in Mantra.The outstanding architectural work of the High Renaissance was the rebuilding of SST. Pewter's Basilica, combining the skills of Aberrant, Michelangelo, Raphael, Seasonal and Modern. The new ideals of humanism, although more secular in some aspects, developed against a Christian backdrop, especially in the Northern Renaissance. Much, if not most, of the new art was commissioned by or in education to the Church. However, the Renaissan ce had a profound effect on contemporary theology, particularly in the way people perceived the relationship teen man and God.Many of the period's foremost theologians were followers of the humanist method, including Erasmus, Swing, Thomas More, Martin Luther, and John Calvin. The 15th century, the Renaissance spread with great speed from its birthplace in Florence, first to the rest of Italy, and soon to the rest of Europe. The invention of the printing press by German printer Johannes Gutenberg allowed the rapid transmission of these new ideas. As it spread, its ideas diversified and changed, being adapted to local culture. In the 20th century, scholars began to break the Renaissance into regional and national movements.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
London Jets
Questions for the London Jets Case Download the file LondonJets. xls, available on the course website. I. Perform RFM Analysis: (recency, frequency, monetary (total sales) analysis) as indicated on page 3 of the case; steps for RFM are given on page 8 of the case (I have provided one approach on page 3 of this document). Use pivot table with Frequency and Monetary value for rows and Recency for column. Data field should be Count of CustID. Important Note  The format for this table is shown on the next page; use this format for your RFM table. Please provide a brief interpretation for the RFM analysis – assume you are the consultant to London Jets; how would you explain what the numbers in the pivot table mean (keep the discussion brief; each and every entry need not be explained). II. Additional Analysis: Do two additional sets of analysis beyond RFM. As an example, you may want to analyze attendance patterns for Fan Club Members versus non-members to see if there is any merit in increasing the size of this club (this would count as one analysis). There are several different variables in the database, and as such there are lots of ways in which the data can be analyzed. Think about the issue London Jets is facing – how to increase attendance – and let this objective drive your analysis. For each additional analysis undertaken by your team, provide a rationale as to why should London Jets consider the customer segment you are analyzing. Please also be sure to briefly explain the outcome of your analysis (what did you learn for your analysis, and how London Jets can benefit from this analysis). What to submit? Please submit one hard copy of the report per team. List the last names of team members on the cover page in alphabetical order. Prepare your report in power point such that it could be presented to London Jets’ management (although your team will not be asked to present the report). Your report should end with a Conclusions page where you draw conclusions from all the analyses you have done, and recommended actions London Jets can take to increase attendance to its games based on your work. Please make sure that the report is contained within a maximum of 12 pages (slides) including the title and conclusions pages. Team work models I have seen two models of team work. The first and more commonly used model is where the team divides the workload and each member is responsible for completing their share of work. These disparate pieces are put together as a report. The obvious advantage of this approach is that the work is divided evenly among members. The drawback of this approach is that sloppy work by one or more team members adversely impacts the score of those who put in good work. Additionally, if someone in the team does not take the trouble to integrate the disparate pieces, the end result can be a report that appears disjoint (i. . made up of pieces that do not flow well together). The second, less common approach is where each member provides input on every aspect (question) of the case. Compared to the approach described above, the second approach certainly requires more time from each member. The advantage however is that often the best ideas (i. e. responses to case questions) make it into the report, resulting in a higher quality of sub mitted work. Important Note  This note applies for all cases done in this class. I cannot entertain questions such as â€Å"Professor, please take a look at what we have so far and let us know if we are on the right track†. Teams are expected to work on each case independently. Taking necessary decisions in situations where there is no clear consensus is a part of team learning process. [pic] Learn more about RFM here: http://searchcrm. techtarget. com/sDefinition/0,,sid11_gci751219,00. html Steps for creating RFM table for London Jets Step 0  Start by creating a column with 3000 entries such that the first 600 entries are 5s, followed by 600 4s, 600 3s, 600 2s and 600 1s. With copy and paste, this takes less than 2 minutes and I can gladly show you how. Here are the remaining steps for assigning RFM codes to the London Jets. Step 1  Sort the entire data on recency of attendance so that customers that attended the games most recently will be on the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled R, where you copy and paste the column created in step 0. Step 2  Sort the entire data, including recency codes assigned in step 1, on the basis of frequency of attendance such that customers with the highest frequency of attendance are at the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled F, where you copy and paste the column created in step 0. Step 3  Sort the entire data, including recency codes assigned in step 1 and frequency codes assigned in step 2, on the basis of monetary spending such that customers spending the most are at the top of the list. Add a new column to the data labeled M, where you assign first 1000 hundred customers a M code of 5, the next 1000 a code of 4, and the last 1000 a code of 3. You are done assigning codes at the end of step 3, and are ready to create the RFM table.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Colossal Heads of the Olmec
The Colossal Heads of the Olmec The Olmec civilization, which thrived along Mexicos Gulf Coast from about 1200 to 400 B.C., was the first major Mesoamerican culture. The Olmec were extremely talented artists, and their most lasting artistic contribution is without a doubt the enormous sculpted heads they created. These sculptures have been found at a handful of archaeological sites, including La Venta and San Lorenzo. Originally thought to depict gods or ballplayers, most archaeologists now say they believe they are likenesses of long-dead Olmec rulers. The Olmec Civilization The Olmec culture developed cities defined as population centers with political and cultural significance and influence as early as 1200 B.C. They were talented traders and artists, and their influence is quite clearly seen in later cultures like the Aztec and the Maya. Their sphere of influence was along Mexicos Gulf Coast particularly in the present-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco and major Olmec cities included San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes. By 400 B.C. or so their civilization had gone into steep decline and had all but disappeared. The Olmec Colossal Heads The Olmecs colossal sculpted heads show the head and face of a helmeted man with distinctly indigenous features. Several of the heads are taller than an average adult human male. The largest colossal head was discovered at La Cobata. It stands about 10 feet tall and weighs an estimated 40 tons. The heads are generally flattened at the back and not carved all the way around they are meant to be viewed from the front and sides. Some traces of plaster and pigments on one of the San Lorenzo heads indicate that they may have once been painted. Seventeen Olmec colossal heads have been found: 10 at San Lorenzo, four at La Venta, two at Tres Zapotes and one at La Cobata. Creating the Colossal Heads The creation of these heads was a significant undertaking. The basalt boulders and blocks used to carve the heads were located as much as 50 miles away. Archaeologists suggest a laborious process of slowly moving the stones, using a combination of raw manpower, sledges and, when possible, rafts on rivers. This process was so difficult that there are several examples of pieces being carved from earlier works; two of the San Lorenzo heads were carved out of an earlier throne. Once the stones reached a workshop, they were carved using only crude tools such as stone hammers. The Olmec did not have metal tools, which makes the sculptures all the more remarkable. Once the heads were ready, they were moved into position, although it is possible that they were occasionally moved around to create scenes along with other Olmec sculptures. Meaning The exact meaning of the colossal heads has been lost to time, but over the years there have been several theories. Their sheer size and majesty immediately suggest that they represent gods, but this theory has been discounted because in general, Mesoamerican gods are depicted as more gruesome than humans, and the faces are obviously human. The helmet/headdress worn by each of the heads suggests ballplayers, but most archaeologists today say they think they represented rulers. Part of the evidence for this is the fact that each of the faces has a distinct look and personality, suggesting individuals of great power and importance. If the heads had any religious significance to the Olmec, it has been lost to time, although many modern researchers say they think that the ruling class might have claimed a link to their gods. Dating It is almost impossible to pinpoint the exact dates when the colossal heads were made. The San Lorenzo heads were almost certainly all completed before 900 B.C. because the city went into steep decline at that time. Others are even more difficult to date; the one at La Cobata might be unfinished, and the ones at Tres Zapotes were removed from their original locations before their historical context could be documented. Importance The Olmec left behind many stone carvings that include reliefs, thrones, and statues. There is also a handful of surviving wooden busts and some cave paintings in nearby mountains. Nevertheless, the most striking examples of Olmec art are the colossal heads. The Olmec colossal heads are important historically and culturally to modern Mexicans. The heads have taught researchers much about the culture of the ancient Olmec. Their greatest value today, however, is probably artistic. The sculptures are truly amazing and inspirational and a popular attraction at the museums where they are housed. Most of them are in regional museums close to where they were found, while two are in Mexico City. Their beauty is such that several replicas have been made and can be seen around the world.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Angela Davis, Political Activist, Academic
Biography of Angela Davis, Political Activist, Academic Angela Davis (born January 26, 1944) is a radical activist, philosopher, writer, speaker, and educator. In the 1960s and 1970s, she was well known for her association with the Black Panthers. She was fired from one teaching job for being a communist, and for a time she even appeared on the Federal Bureau of Investigations Ten Most Wanted list. Fast Facts: Angela Davis Known For: Davis is an academic and activist known for her association with the Black Panthers.Also Known As: Angela Yvonne DavisBorn: January 26, 1944 in Birmingham, AlabamaParents: B. Frank Davis and Sallye Bell DavisEducation: Brandeis University (B.A.), University of California, San Diego (M.A.), Humboldt University (Ph.D.)Published Works: Women, Race, Class, Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday, Are Prisons Obsolete?Spouse: Hilton Braithwaite (m. 1980–1983)Notable Quote: Revolution is a serious thing, the most serious thing about a revolutionarys life. When one commits oneself to the struggle, it must be for a lifetime. Early Life Angela Yvonne Davis was born on January 26, 1944, in Birmingham, Alabama. Her father B. Frank Davis was a teacher who later opened a gas station, and her mother Sallye Bell Davis was a teacher. Davis lived in a segregated neighborhood and went to segregated schools through high school. She later became involved with her family in civil rights demonstrations. She spent some time in New York City, where her mother was earning a masters degree during summer breaks from teaching. Davis excelled as a student, graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University in 1965, with two years of study at the Sorbonne, University of Paris. She studied philosophy in Germany at the University of Frankfurt for two years, then received an M.A. from the University of California at San Diego in 1968. Her doctoral study took place from 1968 to 1969. During her undergraduate years at Brandeis, she was shocked to hear of the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, which killed four girls she had known. This Ku Klux Klan-perpetrated violence marked a major turning point in the civil rights movement, bringing worldwide attention to the plight of African-Americans in the United States. Politics and Philosophy A member of the Communist Party USA, Davis became involved in radical black politics and in several organizations for black women, including Sisters Inside and Critical Resistance, which she helped found. Davis also joined the Black Panthers and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). She was part of an all-black communist group called the Che-Lumumba Club, and through that group she began to organize public protests. In 1969, Davis was hired as an assistant professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. She used her post to teach Kant, Marxism, and philosophy in black literature. Davis was popular as a teacher, but a leak identifying her as a member of the Communist Party led to the UCLA regent- headed then by Ronald Reagan- to dismiss her. A court ordered her reinstatement, but she was fired again the next year. Activism After her dismissal from UCLA, Davis became involved in the case of the Soledad Brothers, a group of prisoners at Soledad Prison. Anonymous threats led her to purchase weapons for self-defense. Davis was arrested as a suspected conspirator in the abortive attempt to free George Jackson, one of the Soledad Brothers, from a courtroom in Marin County, California, on August 7, 1970. A county judge was killed in the failed attempt to take hostages and rescue Jackson, and the guns used were registered in her name. Davis was eventually acquitted of all charges, but for a time she was on the FBIs most wanted list after she fled and went into hiding to avoid arrest. Davis is often associated with the Black Panthers and with the black power politics of the late 1960s and early 1970s. She joined the Communist Party when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968. Davis ran for vice president on the Communist Party ticket in 1980. Davis left the Communist Party in 1991, though she continues to be involved in some of its activities. As a self-described prison abolitionist, she has played a major role in the push for criminal justice reforms and other resistance to what she calls the prison-industrial complex. In her essay Public Imprisonment and Private Violence, Davis calls the sexual abuse of women in prison one of the most heinous state-sanctioned human rights violations within the United States today. Academia Davis taught in the Ethnic Studies department at San Francisco State University from 1980 to 1984. Although former Gov. Ronald Reagan swore she would never teach again in the University of California system, Davis began teaching at the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1991. During her tenure there, she continued to work as an activist and promote womens rights and racial justice. She has published books on race, class, and gender, including such popular titles as Angela Davis: An Autobiography, Are Prisons Obsolete?, The Meaning of Freedom, and Women, Culture Politics. When Davis retired from UCSC in 2008, she was named Professor Emerita. In the years since, she has continued her work for prison abolition, womens rights, and racial justice. Davis has taught at UCLA and elsewhere as a visiting professor, committed to the importance of liberating minds as well as liberating society. Personal Life Davis was married to photographer Hilton Braithwaite from 1980 to 1983. In 1997, she told Out magazine that she was a lesbian. Sources Aptheker, Bettina. The Morning Breaks: The Trial of Angela Davis. Cornell University Press, 1999.Davis, Angela Y. Angela Davis: an Autobiography. International Publishers, 2008.Davis, Angela Y. Are Prisons Obsolete? Seven Stories Press, 2003.Davis, Angela Y. Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday. Vintage Books, 1999.Davis, Angela. â€Å"Public Imprisonment and Private Violence.†Frontline Feminisms: Women, War, and Resistance, by Marguerite R. Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, Routledge, 2012.Davis, Angela Y., and Joy James. The Angela Y. Davis Reader. Blackwell, 1998.Timothy, Mary. Jury Woman: the Story of the Trial of Angela Y. Davis. Glide Publications, 1975.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Ethical Implications from Marketing Cigarettes to Young People in Essay
The Ethical Implications from Marketing Cigarettes to Young People in African Countries - Essay Example The paper tells that marketers have often been critiqued for using selective marketing strategies aimed at targeting a vulnerable group. The criticism is even worse when the product being sold is harmful to the society. Other than the inordinate criticism, little has been done to deter such practices. Cigarette related harms have raised global concerns over the recent past. Although cigarette smoking and addiction have reduced in some parts of the word, the problem remains rampant in developing world such as in Africa. Majority of people in developed countries are informed on the negative health effects of addictive smoking cigarettes. Additionally, governments in most developed countries have enacted laws to prohibit marketing strategies that may result in sale of cigarettes to young people particularly children. However, most third world countries such as in Africa have no laws to prevent sale of cigarettes to young people. Cigarettes products generate a lot of revenue and third wo rld countries often allow reckless importation and marketing of cigarettes. In most third world countries, the importation as well as market of cigarettes is legal and there are no laws prohibiting sale of cigarettes to young people. This raises the ethical question regarding sale of products such as cigarettes, which cause health problems, addiction, and death. In recent years there have been considerable concerns concerning marketing of products considered harmful to humans. Following reduction of consumption of tobacco products such as cigarettes in developed world, tobacco firms are now targeting the young people in Africa. In the attempt to attract these young people, the companies have been adjusting their marketing strategies to ensure that they entice young people to use tobacco products. One strategy that the companies use includes selling of cigarettes as single stakes. This is attractive to the young people from the poor African countries who cannot afford to buy the prod uct in packets. It is appropriate to use attractive strategies in marketing to attract customers. However, this should not be the case if the marketer is aware of negative implications associated with use of a product. Moreover, targeting a vulnerable group is even more unethical. In case of British American Tobacco, there has been cases where children as young as 11 years have been involved in both smoking and selling of cigarettes, Free Markets and Marketing Marketing is an essential component for the success of any business. Companies have marketing strategies that go beyond advertisements. The marketing policies entail identifying the target market for a given product and applying market strategies likely to entice the particular market. Therefore, marketing strategies are designed to ensure that the advertisement is received and understood by the target market. However, companies are required to be responsible in the way they convey their message. This should be through use of marketing policies that are truthful and reflect ethical standards. Although the main aim of most companies is to maximize on profits, the public is increasingly demanding that companies act responsibly and ethically in their activities. In marketing, ethical issues take different forms. They include the advertisement or promotion methods used in marketing a product.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6
Human resource management - Essay Example Management theories appeared around 1920. With the development of technology and various social developments, the management is subdivided into many categories that involve a particular process. In today’s world, with many things changing around us, every process has its own management methods and personnel for managing that process. Although the basic principle remains the same; planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling to achieve the goal by using the human, financial and material resources. Ultimately the goal of any organization remains the same, that the Human Resource Management department should recruit the most suitable people in the best of their ability to meet the organization’s goal aligned with the vision, mission and goal of the organization. Careful attention to HRM issues is crucial in achieving positive outcomes from their employees, as well as keeping fair and balanced treatment for the employees which could be affected by management decisions. Firstly the organization should start with a "Situation Analysis" of the existing systems and procedures in the organization like; what are the current recruitment structures in operation. Who is the selection authority; what are the existing norms of the target organization. Does the decision lie with the HRM personnel or the organizational managers or would they like to formulate a committee who would tackle with the final decision legalities. The next step would be to identify the gaps in the current framework of the HR. A "Gap Analysis" would help, like; what are the constraints, implications occurred due to these existing systems, what are the merits/ demerits? how these affect the organizational culture. Then in the light of the identified gaps/ constraints, the recruitment and induction strategies should be formulated to address the problems. This would further help in defining the steps in
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